Everyone had one of those days when you get out of bed without your usual self, something is just missing, left behind, where you don’t want or just can’t do anything. It happens to us all but what do we do with it? What’s the trick of getting out of it?
So you got out of bed this morning without it, it’s all quiet, no feelings, no particular thoughts, nothing, just quiet, you don’t feel like going anywhere or change anything, you don’t react to the environment very well and your body is just numb. In lack of a better definition one could say this is depression.
What if it’s not depression, what if this state just needs a little spark to become a great flame? What would you agree to try for this spark to appear, to light up your day (which you probably already forfeited and asked yourself “why did I get out of bed today?!”) and become one of the best days you’ve ever had?
There’s a way, several actually, for you to be able to do that. All you need to do is to find that spark, the one I’ve mentioned before, that one thing in your life that no matter what always brings you joy, something that would get you moving, started on this day, something do dust off the sleep.
Every one of us has several hobbies that go under this criteria, whether it’s listening to your favorite music, dancing, singing, writing, going for a hike, showing your love for someone close, smelling flowers, riding a bike, talking to a good friend, cooking, anything really! Just do!
Yes, I know how hard it can be, your body refuses to cooperate, your mind playing tricks on you, your whole being is making you stay in this state, doesn’t want any change to take place, at all. Maybe this morning came to help you, came to show you clarity, even for a moment, detachment from your Ego, or it just might be that during your sleep your mind has wondered off somewhere. Either way, the event can be so extreme or traumatic that your body needs some help to kick start it back into action.
The moment you begin to see it for what it is is also the moment you’re able to re-spark yourself, you can start to feel exhilarated, the vitality and flow you’d feel will surprise you into creativity you’ve never knew was there. The stronger the feeling of numbness you feel, the harder it would be for you to get out of it but the reward is greater once you’ve succeeded. The feeling of success would be overwhelming, warm and loving in ways you couldn’t have imagined. Knowing it all came from you and you’re the one responsible for it would make this experience even more amazing!
So, how is your day going? Do you like it? Care to improve it?
Thank you for reading.