For the second time in my life my spirit decides to tell me I should pay more attention to it. It doesn’t seem to matter how much I pay attention to it already, the more I give the more it wants.
“You’re not doing something right” it says, “You’re ignoring the situation”.
“I have no idea what I’m ignoring, I need to go to work!” I try.
“HA! Work?! I don’t think you get how this works yet, I want – I get! Or I make you regret it”.
And then comes the pain and sickness we all know too well.
So again I’m unable to move, a muscle in my pelvis decided to show me the meaning of pain until I start to pay more attention, to what? I’m still figuring that out…
It’s funny though, the more I change myself to get out of this culture and the things society has taught me to be correct the more I cannot go back into it. Once I try to go back my body fails me and something is going terribly wrong, last time I was sick for a month, not a welcomed experience, to say the least.
I’m trying to make sure I’m paying attention to whatever it is in me that wants the attention, if I can find it maybe the pain wouldn’t be needed anymore and I would be allowed to move again. Alas, sometimes this “something” is very illusive and one have to dig in real deep to find it. We are, after all, a very complicated being.
Our body tells us what it needs once we can silence our brains from interrupting. Hopefully it would help some of you to hear your body before the pain is already to much to deal with. And if you think your brain is already in silence try this, sit alone in a quiet place with a recorder device or piece of paper and start writing\recording anything that comes into your mind for the next 15 minutes. Since I already know what usually comes out of this exercise I hope that you’d take this seriously. Repeating this exercise helps and if you need more info or exercises I have them on my website.
Thank you for reading.